Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Day of School

Hi Everyone! Sorry that I haven't been great about updating my blog. This summer has been a fun, but busy one around our house. (Then again when aren't things crazy at our house?) I know that I am going to be p0sting things out of order for a while, but I want to get some of the great pictures that I have taken posted. I am starting with the first day of school for Stephen and Jenny.

Stephen was so excited to be starting 2nd grade! (I know that he doesn't look like it in the picture, but I had called him back from getting into the van to take the picture and he was concerned that he would be late for school!)

Jenny actually started Kindergarten a week later. (The school has placement testing for the Kindergartners the first week of school for all the other grades.) She was so excited to be going to school! She even has the same teacher that Stephen did for Kindergarten.

I just had to include this last photo. They were in such a hurry to go to school that they didn't even give me a chance to take a picture of them walking to the van!

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